So if you really want to make cut and dried, first class beef jerky there is no doubt that beef jerky dehydrator will be required. However some people may want to argue that an oven may be used as a dehydrator but the truth is it cannot. In fact, there is a huge contrast between the two! Meat on grills does not cook uniformly and therefore grills are not so efficient in heating the meat.
Usually, they do not let the specific low temperatures required for jerky preparation be achieved a good number of times. Dehydrators on the other hand are created with consideration. That there should be a continuous flow of air over the food material the entire time that it is being dried. This is very ideal for jerky making as it results in the formation of a lot of superior texture.
Unique Benefits of a Beef Jerky Dehydrator
- Precision Drying: That is why dehydrators have the feature of optimal temperature adjustment. This helps in the drying of the jerky. It is done without the risk of having it burnt to the point where it will not be safe for human consumption.
- Even Airflow: Unlike other cooking appliances such as ovens, dehydrators do not have hot and cold spots. This serves to ensure that various parts of the meat do not end up being either overly wet or over dehydrated.
- Energy Efficient: It has low energy utilization especially when compared to normal ovens thus is suitable for extended drying.
How to make delicious beef jerky in the dehydrator with Step By Step Guide
Choose the Right Beef Cut: Sometimes the decision of beef to use in preparing beef jerky has to be made very wisely. If possible, opt for lean meat like the round. The flank or the sirloin all of which contain very little fat. It is more susceptible to go bad and the more lean the meat, the longer it takes it to start spoiling.
Trim and slice the meat: It is advised to try to take as much fat off as one can. In a case where slicing the beef, it should preferably be done to ¼ inches. In making chewy jerky the muscles must be cut across the grain. This is the recommended way to prepare it. If you wish to have a tender jerky then it is advisable to slice against the grain, or as some refer to as crosswise.
Let the Meat Soak: Following that, it is also necessary to submerge the meat with the mixture that is used for making the marinade. Some of the common spice flavorings are soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, honey powdered garlic and cayenne pepper to mention but a few. Trim as much as fat from the beef as you can and cut the beef crosswise against the grain. Making sure the beef it marinated for 12-24 hours in the refrigerator is encouraged.
Dehydrator Settings: Bring the heat of the dehydrator approximately to 160 to 165 degrees F ( 71 to 74 degrees C). This kills all the bacteria making the jerky safe for consumption while still tender and tasty.
- Drying the Jerky: Arrange the meat in the trays of the dehydrator to ensure that it does not touch each other. By cooking it at temperatures of 155 to 170°F for 4-6 hours the jerky loses most of its moisture. Though this duration depends on the type of dehydrator and the thickness of the sliced meat.
- More Information About Jerky Making Mistakes: Among the mistakes most of the home jerky makers make are either over-drying or under-drying their meat. It is also important to note that, if it is too pliable it was probably dried for too little time. For example if it is still soft and tacky, then it is not prepared enough at that stage. The one which can be suggested and tried is after 4 hours has passed one should attempt to take a small piece.
Storing your homemade jerky: After that you should have done with the jerky, it should cool down. This should be packed in air-tight jars or vacuum seals so that light did not spoil it. When fresh meat is processed into jerkies it is possible to keep at normal conditions for 1-2 months while in the refrigerator for more time.
How to make a large quantity of beef jerky using a dehydrator
When making jerky in large quantities to store for sale. For instance when homesteading or during a camping trip when the jerky is likely to be stacked up, then the dehydrator will be your partner.
Walk in style or cabinet style dehydrators which have trays that can accommodate as much as twelve pounds of meat at one time. They are ideal because they allow dehydration of as many heaps of beef as is possible at a given instance. These trays should be rotated half way through the process of drying in order to allow for even drying.
$363 - Septree Commercial Food Dehydrator
Tips for Bulk Jerky Production
- Batch Preparation: While preparing large volumes it is advisable to prepare your beef for portioning by trimming it, slicing it and then freezing it.
- Multiple Dehydrators: When you plan on processing jerky often, it would be wise to make an investment on more than a dehydrating equipment. This is to ensure that you are always processing at one time. And with an aim of meeting the ever increasing market demands.
Read on and find these easy steps on how to make restaurant quality gourmet beef jerky at home. So you’re sure to enjoy every piece of beef jerky that you prepare! Click the link below to check out more recipes: