
Tropical Fruit Leather

Tropical Fruit Leather

Prep Time: 30 to 60 minutes Drying Temp:145° to 155°F Drying Time:4 to 6 hours Yield: 8 servings   Ingredients: 4 cups chopped fresh or frozen tropical fruit (such as...

Tropical Fruit Leather

Prep Time: 30 to 60 minutes Drying Temp:145° to 155°F Drying Time:4 to 6 hours Yield: 8 servings   Ingredients: 4 cups chopped fresh or frozen tropical fruit (such as...

Cheesy Onion Crisps - Septree

Cheesy Onion Crisps

Prep Time: 20 minutes Drying Temp & Time:135° to 145°F Drying Temp & Time:4 to 6 hours Yield: 4 servings   Ingredients 2 medium onions (about 1 pound), peeled 2 tablespoons...

Cheesy Onion Crisps

Prep Time: 20 minutes Drying Temp & Time:135° to 145°F Drying Temp & Time:4 to 6 hours Yield: 4 servings   Ingredients 2 medium onions (about 1 pound), peeled 2 tablespoons...

Orange-Scented Apple Leather - Septree

Orange-Scented Apple Leather

Prep Time: 30 to 60 minutes Drying Temp: 145° to 155°F Drying Time: 4 to 6 hours Yield: 8 servings INGREDIENTS: 8 medium apples (2 to 21/2 pounds), or 6...

Orange-Scented Apple Leather

Prep Time: 30 to 60 minutes Drying Temp: 145° to 155°F Drying Time: 4 to 6 hours Yield: 8 servings INGREDIENTS: 8 medium apples (2 to 21/2 pounds), or 6...

Mixed Vegetable Bread or Crackers

Mixed Vegetable Bread or Crackers

Prep Time: 20 minutes Drying Temp:125° to 135°F Drying Time:3 to 5 hours Yield:6 patties   INGREDIENTS: 1 pound portobello mushrooms (stems discarded if woody), chopped (5 cups) 2 cups...

Mixed Vegetable Bread or Crackers

Prep Time: 20 minutes Drying Temp:125° to 135°F Drying Time:3 to 5 hours Yield:6 patties   INGREDIENTS: 1 pound portobello mushrooms (stems discarded if woody), chopped (5 cups) 2 cups...

Make Mixed Berry Leather with Dehydrator -


Prep Time: 15 to 30 minutes Drying Temp: 145° to 155°F Drying Time: 4 to 8 hours Yield: 8 servings   PREPARING: 8 cups berries (strawberries, raspberries, black-berries, blueberries, or...


Prep Time: 15 to 30 minutes Drying Temp: 145° to 155°F Drying Time: 4 to 8 hours Yield: 8 servings   PREPARING: 8 cups berries (strawberries, raspberries, black-berries, blueberries, or...

Hawaiian-Style Tuna Jerky

Cecina de atún estilo hawaiano

Tiempo de preparación: 3 a 9 horas Temperatura de secado: 155° a 165°F Tiempo de secado: 3-4 horas Rinde: 7 a 10 porciones (1 onza) INGREDIENTES 1/2 taza de salsa...

Cecina de atún estilo hawaiano

Tiempo de preparación: 3 a 9 horas Temperatura de secado: 155° a 165°F Tiempo de secado: 3-4 horas Rinde: 7 a 10 porciones (1 onza) INGREDIENTES 1/2 taza de salsa...